Throw Back – Topeka West High School Gym


Today, Architect One takes a look back at a past Education Studio project of ours that we were deeply honored to be a part of, one that will serve many generations going forward!


The Topeka High School Junior Varsity Gymnasium was built to relieve pressure on the “Dungeon,” allowing both junior varsity and varsity teams to play simultaneously and to shorten the time the competitions took. The only addition ever executed on the historic Topeka High School campus since 1931, the gym rests on the interior of the old practice field north of the main building along Western Avenue.

The 12,000-square-foot facility has a floating wood floor, roll out bleachers and is setup for dual volleyball competition as well. Full lockers and small concession area were also included in the project.

The chosen palette was derived from material similar to what was used before at Topeka High School, including natural stone, brick, and simulated-slate shingles. The end result is a first-class facility worthy of varsity-level play at any other high school.

Our Team at Architect One is humbled to be a part of a longstanding legacy of high school athletics in the city of Topeka, Kansas!